short notes is a journal on software, systems, engineering practices among other things.
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short notes
Sunday, 30. June 2002

IETF's guideline on XML

"Guidelines for the Use of XML within IETF Protocols" is currently in draft stage but it is still useful for XML application developers.

The guideline can be summarized as "keep it simple, stupid" or KISS. Avoid processing instructions, entity declarations and references; be careful with namespaces; beware of whitespaces; think twice before using attributes or even worse their default values, and so on.

When will W3C provide a guideline on what processing XML means?


eclectic - the XML-DEV weblog

Because XML digerati are rather loquacious, mere mortals are indebted to Leigh Dodds' "eclectic", the XML-DEV weblog for summary. Many links to XML issues that appear in short notes on 2002-07-01 come from "eclectic" and many articles by him and others from


Thursday, 27. June 2002

Cult of Google

Google Weblog has many interesting tidbits including screenshots of Google on original web browsers.

Even more minimalistic google page


Glue, Gaia, and the services grid

Glue, Gaia, and the services grid - Jon Udell's short summary on this topic as well as snippets of conversation with Graham Glass.

See also Graham Glass on Gaia vs Jini.


Wednesday, 19. June 2002

Macromedia Blueprint Application Center : Pet Market.

From mesh on MX

Macromedia has released the Macromedia MX Pet Market Blueprint Application and Center. The Pet Market Blueprint application is an online store for a fictional pet retailer similar to the Java™ Pet Store released by Sun and the Microsoft .NET Pet Shop.

Flash MX and its friends are riding high. After many years of disappointing remote UI aka browser or thin-client based applications, we may finally get halfway usable UI with Flash. Using HTTP as UI protocol should make hall of shame for misuse and abuse of protocols. Applets could have been successful if Sun had made Java a bit more high level language or delivered a useful 4GL/IDE from the beginning.

Tuesday, 18. June 2002

JXPath - XPath for Java

From Jakarta page on JXPath:

JXPath applies XPath expressions to graphs of objects of all kinds: JavaBeans, Maps, Servlet contexts, DOM etc, including mixtures thereof.

Consider this example:

Address address = (Address)JXPathContext.newContext(vendor).

This XPath expression is equvalent to the following Java code:

Address address = null;
Collection locations = vendor.getLocations();
Iterator it = locations.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()){
    Location location = (Location);
    String zipCode = location.getAddress().getZipCode();
    if (zipCode.equals("90210")){
      address = location.getAddress();

Some pros and cons:
Pro: Code gets shorter.
Con: Compiler can't do type checking. Expression is just an embedded string.

Pro: Because it's string we can do dynamic queries via file system, telnet, http texts!
Con: Security.

Pro: Same expression/query language for Java and XML.
Con: Why mix oil and water?

Pro: XPath can be the universal query language.
Con: We live in an interesting time.

NB JXPath is a subset of Jex API.

Tuesday, 11. June 2002

Knowledge Management 101

IBM Systems Journal Vol. 40, No 4, 2001 is dedicated to knowledge management. A few overview papers are especially interesting:

Some of the papers discussing actual technical implementations leave an impression that top-down technology borrowed from traditional AI, data management (usually RDBMS), etc may have reached a limit. Will klogs (blogs used for knowledge management) and P2P like Groove do better?

Published since 2002-04-23
Updated: 2010-10-16
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